Club and Community 30 Day Notice
Issue 4

Business Savings
Annual Variable Interest % AER*
Product Details

Account name

Club and Community 30 Day Notice Issue 4

What is the interest rate? AER*

3.35% annual interest rate on balances £1,000+

Interest is paid annually on 31st March. 

(*AER stands for the Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and added each year)

Can Dudley Building Society change the interest rate?

The interest rate on this account is variable and the Society may make changes to this rate at any time. We will notify you of any changes in accordance with the Terms & Conditions. 

What would the estimated balance be? 

If you were to open this account with £1,000 and no further deposits or withdrawals were made you would earn £33.50 interest. This would result in a total balance of £1,033.50

Please note the illustrations provided are based upon a 12 month investment and do not reflect your specific circumstances.

How do I open and manage my account?

Who is eligible?

This account is only available for Unincorporated Bodies. 

How do I operate my account?

Any queries regarding your account can be dealt with via branch, email or telephone. Instructions on operating your account are required in person, at branch or in writing. 

How do I open my savings account?

You may open your account at any one of our branches or via post. 

What is my minimum opening and operating balance?


What is my maximum operating balance?


What is my maximum investment?


Can I withdraw money?

30 days' notice is required; or 30 days' interest will be forfeited on the amount withdrawn. This penalty will be deducted from your accrued interest. If you have insufficient accrued interest to cover the penalty due, the remaining amount will be deducted from your account balance on closure of your account or when your interest is next due to be added to it. 

Additional Information

Unincorporated bodies could be Partnerships, Sole Traders, Clubs and Associations. If one partner is a corporate body e.g. LLP or PLC then they can open a Corporate or Deposit account. 

Key documents

Church or Charity Application Form pdf icon Identification Requirements for Entities pdf icon Unincorporated Bodies Application Form pdf icon

How to apply for our Club and Community 30 Day Notice Issue 4


Find your nearest branch for more information or to make an appointment.


You can apply now by printing the relevant application form at home.

Contact Us

If you wish to find out more information or get support with your application, contact our friendly Customer Service team.

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