If a savings product that you hold with us is no longer available, you can find out the minimum deposit amount and current interest rate by following the link below.
Here to support you, just as we have been for over 160 years.
If you would like to find out how you can make the most of your savings, our branches offer pre-booked face-to-face appointments, drop and go applications or walk-ins. Find your local branch below and give us a call!
If you would like to find out how you can make the most of your savings, our branches offer pre-booked face-to-face appointments, drop and go applications or walk-ins. Find your local branch below and give us a call!
Find out how much your money could grow with our easy to use savings calculator.
See our full list of savings guides, forms and other useful documents.
Did you know you can now register to view your passbook accounts on our Online Service? By registering, you will be able to check your balance, monitor your transactions and contact us online.
You can also apply for a new online savings account with us, enabling you to make deposits and withdrawals online, as well as set up savings goals.
Find out how you can close your account.
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My Lost Account
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Building Societies Association
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Do I still need to continue completing a self-assessment tax return?
If you already fill in a self-assessment tax return you should carry on doing this and include any income from savings on your return.
How does the personal savings allowance work if I have a joint account?
If you share a savings account with someone, the interest you earn will be divided equally between each customer named on the account.
For example, if the total interest earned is £1,000, this will be split evenly between the two account holders (unless you tell HMRC otherwise), using up £500 each of your Personal Savings Allowance.
How does the Society report my savings interest to HMRC
- We report the interest you have earned on your savings to HMRC at the end of every tax year. If you have been charged any interest penalties throughout the tax year, the amount of the penalty, will be reported along with the interest you have received. Therefore, the total interest amount earned, prior to any deductions, counts towards your personal savings allowance.
Your savings account earns £200 of interest. Within the tax year you made a withdrawal without giving notice, so an interest penalty of £50 was deducted from your interest (this only applies to notice accounts). Your passbook will show interest of £150 but we will report £200 to HMRC.
We also report the interest earned to HMRC, based on who was named on the account at the point the interest was paid.
This does not apply to ISA’s because interest earned on an ISA account, is tax-free.
How is interest paid on my savings account?
All accounts except ISA’s, are paid gross, which means no tax is deducted. ISA accounts are tax free.
How is my interest calculated?
Your interest is calculated on the balance in your account at the end of each day. This is called daily interest.
If I need to pay some tax on my savings interest, how do I do this?
If you have any savings income over your personal savings allowance, you will have to pay some tax on this. HMRC will normally collect the tax by changing your tax code.
Society account details aren’t validating when I make a payment from an external account?
When making an online payment from another bank or building society you might encounter a warning message that suggests you are unable to validate Dudley Building Society account details.
There is no need to worry about this error message providing you have ensured that the account details entered are correct, and that your correct roll number/account number is included within the reference. If these details are correct, the payment will make it to us regardless of the warning.
What does the Personal Savings Allowance mean to me?
From 6 April 2016, all building societies and banks stopped deducting tax from the interest they pay on your savings.
What is savings income?
Savings income include:
- Interest from banks, building societies and other account providers (such as credit unions and NS&I)
- Interest distributios (but not dividend distributions) from authorised unit trusts, open-ended investment companies and investment trusts
- Income from government or company bonds
- Some types of purchased life annuity payments and gains from certain contracts for life insurance.
What is the benefits of savings in an ISA if you no longer deduct tax from my interests?
ISA’s are classed as tax free savings, which means you never need to pay tax on the interest you earn no matter how much interest you receive, and it does not need to be included in your personal tax allowance.
When is my interest added to my account?
This will depend on what type of account you have. The majority of accounts have interest paid on the 31st of March, some accounts are paid twice yearly, the 30th of September and the 31st of March. You may have an account where the interest is paid on maturity or the anniversary date. You can also have your interest paid monthly, if the terms and conditions of the account allow this.
Where can I find more information?
If you wish to find out more information, please visit https://www.gov.uk/apply-tax-free-interest-on-savings
Who can certify identification documents?
Documents can be certified by the Post Office or one of the following professionals: Solicitor, Accountant, Authorised Financial Advisor or Doctor stating their full name and profession.
Who should cheques be made payable to?
When paying a cheque into an account, they should be made payable to the account holder's name.
How do I make a complaint?
If you need to make a complaint, please see how, with our full Complaints and Disputes Procedure.
What proof of identity is accepted?
Can I add someone else to my sole savings account?
It may be possible to add someone else but this is product specific, so some restrictions may apply. To discuss changes to your account, please contact us.
How can I check if my expected bank payments have been credited to my savings account?
There a few ways you can do this:
1. You can register for our Online Service where you will be able view your latest transactions
2. You can contact us and speak to an advisor over the phone who will be able confirm receipt of a payment
3. You can visit your local branch who will be able to update your passbook with the latest transactions
Visit our Payments page for more information.
How do I inform you of a bereavement?
You can register the death by calling our Customer Services Team on 01384 231414, visit or call your local branch or email [email protected]
Please visit our Bereavement Support page for all information about registering a death. Please note, if you require us to register the deceased account(s), we will need to see the death certificate to accommodate your requests.
How do I manage an account for someone who has lost mental capacity?
We can add you as an operator to an account for someone if you hold Power of Attorney or Deputyship under the Court of Protection. In order to register a POA or COP, you will need to contact our Customer Service Team for the relevant forms to complete and we will also need to verify your identity. Once we have completed this we will add you as an operator to the account(s).
Once you have been added as an account operator, you can view the account(s) online. If you want to make any transactions on an account you hold Power of Attorney for, you won’t be able to do this using our Online Service.
How do I tell you I have changed my address?
- If you are a savings customer, you can update your details via the Online Service. If you haven't already registered, click here to find out how. To change your contact details, click 'Services' on the top navigation bar and then select 'Personal details'. From here, you will be able to amend your details. You won't be able to change your name or date of birth online
- If you are a mortgage customer, please call our Mortgage Servicing Team on 01384 231414 or find our full contact details here
- Visit your local branch
How do I transfer my Dudley Building Society ISA to another provider?
Contact the ISA provider that you would like to transfer to. They will then contact us directly to transfer the funds, which will be transferred within 15 working days.
How do I transfer my ISA to Dudley Building Society?
In order to transfer your ISA to us, you will need to complete and return an ISA transfer-in form which can be found on our Existing customer page. We will then liaise directly with your current ISA provider and the funds will be transferred within 15 working days.
I have a passbook account, how do I view my balance online?
Visit our Online Service page and follow the 'Register' link to access our Online Service. You will need to enter your surname, date of birth, postcode and roll number. Following this you will be asked to create a username, password and memorable word. A security code will then be sent to the mobile number that we have on file for you. Once this is confirmed you will be able to view your passbook account(s) online.
Please note the following:
- You will only be able to register if we already have your mobile number registered to your account. If we don’t have your mobile number and you would like to register, please contact our Customer Services Team.
- You can only register if you have a UK address and UK phone number
- If you are an operator on a child’s account or a business account, you won’t be able to view the account online. However, you can still register to contact us online and apply for any of our available online personal savings products
- If you hold a Power of Attorney or are a Deputy for someone under the Court of Protection, you will be able to view the accounts you are registered to
- The Online Service is only compatible with certain browsers
What are Dudley Building Society's bank details?
For all online accounts, the Society bank details are:
Sort Code: 60-83-18
Account Number: 10001016
Please remember to always quote your roll number when making a transfer in to your Dudley Building Society.
If you are a passbook member, the Society bank details are:
Sort Code: 60-83-18
Account Number: 10001008
Please remember to always quote your roll number when making a transfer in to your Dudley Building Society.
What happens with my ISA allowance if I don't use it within the tax year?
You will forfeit the allowance for the tax year.
What is an ISA?
ISA stands for an Individual Savings Account. The main difference between an ISA and other savings accounts is that you can save tax-free into a Cash ISA, so you could get more for your money. There is a limit to how much money you can put into an ISA in each tax year - this is called the 'ISA allowance'.
What is my roll reference number?
Your roll reference number can be located on the most recent transaction page in your savings account passbook. If you are an online customer, the roll reference number will be on your home page. This number must be quoted whenever you wish to make a transfer into your account.
Your roll reference starts with a '5' and is nine digits long.
How will you confirm my identity?
Whether you are a new or existing customer, whenever you apply for a savings account we will need to confirm your identity. This is to meet UK Money Laundering regulations and help stop criminals from using our accounts for their own benefit.
We may be able to check your identity electronically by using credit reference agencies to search information. This is an identity check and will not affect your credit rating.
If these automated checks are unsuccessful, don't worry, as a member of our Customer Service Team will contact you to discuss alternative methods to verify your identity.
I have a notice account and would like to withdraw funds, what should I do?
To make a withdrawal without a penalty fee, please contact our Customer Services Team, who will be able to add the notice onto your account and inform you of the dates which you can withdraw penalty free.
I have lost my passbook, what should I do?
If you have lost your passbook, you should notify us immediately. Contact us or visit your local branch.
I would like to open an account for my grandchild, how can I do this?
You will need to complete an Under-16 application form. This will need to be completed with the child's details in section one, your details in section two and finally the child's Parent/Guardian details in section four.
Our website has a full list of our current products. Use our Product Finder to find a product that suits you and you can download the relevant application form to complete at home.
I would like to open an account, do I need to book an appointment?
You don't need to make an appointment to open an account. Our website has a full list of our current products. Use our Product Finder to find a product that suits you and you can download the relevant application form to complete at home. Alternatively, you can contact us and we will send the application forms to you.
Once completed, return it to us in the post or use our drop and go service at one of our branches.
My savings account has matured, what do I do?
Two weeks before your account matures, we will write to explain your options and the current products available to you. After the maturity date, you will then have two weeks in which you can move funds into one of our maturity products.
After that date, you will only have the current products available, which are shown on our website in our Product Finder
What is the interest rate on my account?
There are several way you can find out what your current interest rate is:
- You can find your mortgage or savings interest rate via the Online Service. If you haven't already registered, click here
- Call our Customer Services Team on 01384 231414
- Visit your local branch
If you want to see interest rates for savings products that are no longer available, please see our Closed Interest Rates table.
What should I do if I'm planning to move abroad?
Please contact our Customer Services Team so that we discuss next steps.
What's the difference between current balance and available balance?
Your available balance is the balance in your account where the funds have cleared.
The current balance is the balance that includes any uncleared funds e.g. cheques you may have paid into your account which haven’t yet cleared.
Where can I find details of all Dudley Building Society products?
You can find details of all of our available savings products in our Product Finder.
Where do I find the Terms & Conditions of my account?
You can find the Savings Terms & Conditions on our Existing Customers page. For information about any of our current products, please refer to our product finder.
If your product is no longer on the Savings page, please visit our Closed Interest Rates page or you can find our Closed Issue Feature Guide on our Existing Customers page.
Considering opening a new account with us? Use our product finder to help you make your mind up.