Closing your passbook account
If you would like to close your passbook account, you will first need to check whether there are any withdrawal restrictions within the product's terms and conditions. This is will depend on the type of savings account that you hold with us. Scroll down to the account types with closure restrictions section to find out more.
If you are able to close your account, you can do this either by post or in branch. You have the following options to close your account -
- Transfer your funds to your nominated bank account
- Transfer your funds to another Dudley Building Society account or withdraw funds to a cheque
You can find details for each of these options below.
Please note that for account closures via post, you must ensure that you send us your passbook, along with a signed letter confirming that you wish to close your account.
Transfer your funds to your nominated bank account
To close your account and electronically transfer the full funds to your nominated bank account, please use the Faster Payments Withdrawal Form linked below.
Before transferring your funds to your nominated account, please make sure that your nominated account details are up to date.
If you need to update your nominated account or need to set one up, please complete our Nominated Account Form, and either bring the form to your local branch or post it to us prior to completing the Faster Payments Withdrawal Form.
Faster Payments Withdrawal Form
You can also collect and complete this form in branch.
Once completed, please either bring the form into your local branch, or post it to Dudley Building Society, 7 Harbour Buildings, The Waterfront, Brierley Hill, DY5 1LN.
Transfer your funds to another Dudley Building Society account or withdraw funds to a cheque
To close your account and receive a cheque, or to transfer your funds to another Dudley Building Society account, you can send us a letter together with your passbook. Your letter must contain the following;
- Amount of funds within your account to be closed
- The name of the person to whom the cheque needs to be made payable to
- Your signature
- Your passbook enclosed - if you are transferring your funds to another Dudley Building Society account, you must also enclose the passbook for this account
Please note: If you want to transfer your funds to another Dudley Building Society account, your letter must contain the existing account number you wish to transfer the funds to. This number will begin with a 5.
Please post your letter to Dudley Building Society, 7 Harbour Buildings, The Waterfront, Brierley Hill, DY5 1LN.
Account types with closure restrictions
Fixed Rate Bonds and ISAs
Please note that no withdrawal or account cloure is permitted during the fixed term, following the account opening.
If you hold a Fixed Term ISA, you can perform an ISA transfer out, but please be aware that an interest penalty will be charged for all ISA transfer out requests, and notice cannot be served.
If you would like to close your Fixed Rate ISA, please contact us to let us know.
Instant Access ISAs
You can usually transfer your ISA between different providers - but always check first, as not all our ISA products allow you to complete a transfer in.
If you want to transfer your Dudley Building Society ISA to a different provider, ask your new ISA provider to arrange the transfer for you, as this is not something you can do yourself.
Should you wish to open a new Cash ISA to accept the transfer, please complete and sign both our ISA Application Form and ISA Transfer Form. This form can be obtained from our website, any branch, or a pack can be sent out via the post upon request.
Alternatively, proceed to open a new Cash ISA vis our Online Service.
Notice Accounts
Accounts can be closed via the post or branch.
You can close your notice account without giving notice however, you will have to pay an interest penalty. Our Customer Service Advisors can tell you what this will be prior to closing the account.
If you want to serve the notice period, please contact us to let us know.
Bereavement Support
If you need to close an account held by a recently deceased Dudley Building Society customer, please click here for further information.
Contact us
If you're looking for further support, please get in contact with our friendly Customer Service Team.